Azure villa real estate agency in

Are you looking for a sustainable partner to carry out your real estate project? Discover the Azur Villa agency located in the Var department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

Azur Villa: A specialist at the service of your real estate project in Cavalaire-sur-Mer

Real estate rental in the Var

At Azur Villa, your real estate agency in Cavalaire-sur-Mer , we offer you a full rental management service to allow you to quickly find a reliable tenant with a solid file. Know that if you are looking for an apartment to rent, you will also find many offers from our online catalog.Discover our luxury rentals without further delay,

Holiday rental with sea view in Cavalaire-sur-Mer and the surrounding area

To allow you to leave in peace for your stay and to enjoy your seaside vacation with your feet in the water, we have a complete vacation rental service . Our luxury rentals are seasonal and are located in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur.

Real estate transaction in the Var

Through our solid network, we offer you a very varied catalog of offers of goods for sale, some with a breathtaking view of the sea. Regularly updated, it adapts perfectly to different needs. So ideal for quickly finding the property for sale of your dreams.

Free property valuation

To enable you to sell your apartment or your house in the best desirable conditions, we offer you a free real estate appraisal of your property. Through this, you then have its real value to place it at the fairest price on the real estate market.

A real estate agency in Cavalaire-sur-Mer attentive to your needs

If you feel the need to ask us a question or simply wish to benefit from a free estimate of your property, know that you can of course contact us. For this, our services are at your disposal by phone at 06 07 52 74 21 or by email at the following address: contact@azur-villa.com .


The agency offers you its services

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You will meet a team of attentive professionals who will guide and assist you in carrying out your project.

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For almost 10 years, we have been managing luxury properties for seasonal and year-round rentals.

Request Estimate

AZUR VILLA realizes for you, free estimates of your goods.
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Contact U.S.

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Azur Villa


619 Promenade de la Mer - 83240 Cavalaire-sur-Mer





* July 2023